I’m software crafter passionate about mobile tech and AI.
M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence at Universidad Politecnica de Catalunia (Barcelona) and Android Architect/Team leader. Working on Android development since 2011
Rethinking Home – How testing techniques and code design reshaped the new Spotify Home feature
Let's dive into the dynamic world of Spotify Home development, where scalability and excellency are key. In this talk we will learn about the relationship between good code design and testability. How these principles synergise to influence the new shape of core Home features. Moreover we will go through the value of different test types and learn insights on how to make code more testable as well as actionable strategies to enhance code design in general
I’m software crafter passionate about mobile tech and AI.
M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence at Universidad Politecnica de Catalunia (Barcelona) and Android Architect/Team leader. Working on Android development since 2011