Danny Preussler

Android Lead @ Soundcloud

Talk Title

Ten things you heard about testing that might be wrong






12:55 > 40 min


on Twitter

Testing became an essential part of Android development. Many conference talks have been given and even more best practices have been written.

But what if, as time evolved, some of the things we thought were true, changed?

Let’s start questioning some of these in this talk:
- Are flaky tests fixable?
- Are mocks even harmful?
- Is DI about testing?
- Did we understand testing in isolation properly?
- Is the test pyramid still valid?
- Is Robolectric good or bad on Android?
- And in times of AI, should we generate tests?

Come and join my session to learn more!

Speaker Bio

Danny built mobile applications for companies like Viacom, Groupon, eBay and Alcatel. He is a Google Developer Expert for Android and Kotlin. Before there was Android he was already active in the Blackberry development community.
