I’m a Senior Android Engineer at Trainline, with 4 years experience in Android development. I’m passionate about building scalable architectures and processes to enable building apps within large teams. Outside of work, I enjoy Muay Thai and chess as well as keeping up with the latest news in the rocket industry.
Jack Adams
Senion Android Engineer at Trainline
Building State Holders in Compose with Molecule: A New Approach to Reusable UI Components
Are your ViewModels exponentially growing out of control as they manage the state for each of your Composables? This talk introduces Molecule, a new library for creating state holders in Jetpack Compose. We’ll explore how Molecule can simplify presentation state management in Compose, allowing for more flexible and scalable UI development. Attendees will learn how to implement Molecule in their projects and understand its advantages over traditional state management approaches as well as some of the drawbacks to this approach.