Mohamed Kerroumi

Mobile App Security Expert

Talk Title

Securing the Unseen: Advanced Threats, Best Practices & Challenges in Mobile App Security






11:15 > 20 min


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In today's app-driven world, securing mobile applications is not just an afterthought—it's a critical component of the development process. This session at DroidCon London will take you deep into the mobile app security world, focusing on the latest threats that target mobile applications and the advanced techniques used to secure them.

We'll explore cutting-edge security practices that should be integrated throughout the app development lifecycle, from secure coding standards to app security and comprehensive threat modeling. You'll learn to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities before they become exploits, ensuring your applications are resilient against modern attacks.

We'll discuss key risks, security techniques and challenges app developers and security engineers face when trying to secure code, keys, and data effectively.

This session is designed for app developers, security professionals, and penetration testers who want to stay ahead of the curve in mobile app security. Join us to enhance your skills and ensure your apps are secure in the face of today's and tomorrow's threats.

Talk Title

Securing Android: Tackling Advanced Threats and Enhancing App Security






15:10 > 40 min


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What threats are Android apps dealing with these days? In this talk, we will look at the latest security challenges and the best ways to keep your apps safe from new threats.
When companies rush to release apps, they often skip important security steps, which can lead to higher costs and more risks. It's important to build security into your app from the beginning. We will discuss common risks for Android apps, how to handle them, and the challenges developers and security experts face when trying to protect code, keys, and data.

Key Takeaways:

* Get up to speed on the latest security threats specifically targeting Android apps.
* Explore the latest advanced rooting technique such as Magisk and app instrumentation and the best way to protect your app.
* Explore the differences between shrinking/minification and advanced techniques for obfuscation and anti-tampering, including cryptographic key protection.
* Discover how to embed security throughout the development process to minimise risks and build resilient apps.

Speaker Bio

Mohamed Kerroumi is a seasoned mobile app security expert with extensive experience in the tech industry. He has held pivotal roles such as Senior Solutions Architect, Field Applications Engineer across Europe and North America, and R&D Senior Security Engineer at leading companies like Zimperium, Thales, and Intertrust. His expertise spans mobile security solutions, application architecture, and advanced security engineering, making him a key player in the development and implementation of secure mobile technologies globally.
