Senior Android, mediocre cyclist, amateur home cook, and coffee nerd. He/Him 🌱
Adam Ahmed
Roundtable: Mastering Release Management
Teams of all sizes require release management processes that should ensure smooth delivery of app updates, while balancing the need for innovation with stability and user experience. Coordinating teams, managing release cycles, and mitigating risks while adapting to the Android ecosystem can be challenging. Join this open roundtable discussion to examine:
• What are the biggest challenges in managing releases within the Android ecosystem, especially with the variety of devices and OS versions?
• How do you allow frequent releases while minimizing the toil of release management?
• How do you ensure a smooth release process while balancing the need for continuous innovation and feature updates?
• What are some best practices for testing and quality assurance before rolling out an Android release to a large user base?
• How do you manage the potential impact of an unsuccessful or buggy release, and what steps are taken to mitigate such risks?
• What role do user feedback and crash analytics play in refining subsequent Android releases?
Talk Title
Click-free releases & the making of a CLI app
At TravelPerk, we've developed a tool that fully automates our release process, eliminating the need for human intervention. This was achieved using a lightweight Kotlin CLI app. In this talk, we'll provide an in-depth look at the design and implementation of this tool, and guide you through building your own Kotlin CLI app. Join me to explore the power of Kotlin and Gradle in creating robust, automated solutions.