Alessandro Mautone

Canyon - Lead Android Engineer

Talk Title

How to handle incidents at scale






12:05 > 20 min


on Twitter

In this session, I want to guide the audience into applying healthy processes to handle incidents. We have all probably been in the situation of having our apps unexpectedly crashing - either because of a bad release, because of unexpected Backend changes, etc.

In these scenarios, we usually get overwhelmed by messages from different departments (support folks, managers, and so on), this is especially true when operating at a large scale, and things can quickly get out of control.

This talk aims to propose rules that will not only mitigate the above scenarios but also improve the communication flow, give tips about how to set up alerting systems and what to measure, and talk about a "post-mortem" process.

Speaker Bio

I started coding around the age of 18 and immediately fell in love with it. Since I was always passionate about mobile (first with Nokia and theirs Symbian and then with Android), it was natural for me to continue on that path. I started working in a small agency in South Italy where I had the opportunity to work on a lot of projects, then decided to expand my horizons and moved to Amsterdam where I started to work at WeTransfer. After almost 5 years there, I decided to pursue an industry I have at heart: bikes! And started working for Canyon.

Particular signs: I love sports in general, I am a regular runner and since love everything that flies I am a proud paraglider!
