Android dev old enough to remember ActionBarSherlock
Enrique Ramírez
Hardware development with KMP and Compose Desktop
Nowadays, Mobile software development focuses on efficient architecture, scalability and delightful UX. Those are quite important topics but sometimes we forget Mobile Development has its roots in Embedded Software Development, which was that branch of software development focused on running code on limited resource devices.
Both have diverged, one specialised in mobile apps for smartphones, while the other has transformed more into IoT, industrial and other types of solutions.
There was an attempt to bring both together with Android Things. It made Android app development skills transferable for hardware development, letting developers create apps with their existing knowledge and interact with the hardware through “high-level” driver APIs. Unfortunately, it was decommissioned by Google.
With the flourishing of technologies like KMP and Compose Desktop, the regular Android developer again has some transferable skills that can be used to develop apps for non-smartphone hardware.
In this session I will talk about how to develop a simple app for devices like the Raspberry Pi, covering details like interacting with GPIO, WIFI and Bluetooth communication as well as current issues and workarounds.