Hudson Miears

Engineer, ArcGIS Maps SDK for Kotlin Team @ Esri

Talk Title

Designing for Errors in a Kotlin-first SDK: When to throw, nullify, or return a Result.






16:15 > 20 min


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Error propagation is an important consideration for building feature-rich API architecture in Kotlin. Whereas apps may have the flexibility to add external dependencies and laser-focus on specific use-cases, designing an API requires minimal dependencies and wide applicability. This lightning talk is a crash course in Kotlin error propagation strategies and a case study in our experience designing errors when migrating our SDK from Java to Kotlin. We will go over the various techniques that Kotlin natively provides for us, including throwing exceptions, returning null, sealed classes, and Result, and how we decided which technique to use for our functions.

Speaker Bio

Working on the Android team at Esri for 3 years, helping to design and build the ArcGIS Maps SDK for Kotlin. Loves code architecture, exploring new technologies, and staring at cool maps. He/him
