Julien Salvi

Lead Android Engineer @ Aircall

Talk Title

Our ongoing journey from REST to GraphQL on Android






14:20 > 40 min


on Twitter

Here is the story of an ongoing migration... and what a migration! This journey moving from our REST API to the GraphQL one is a long run with much coordination across all tech teams.

This return of experience will focus on how we are dealing with this transition on Android where Retrofit coexists with Apollo, how we synchronized with backend teams to keep our GraphQL schemas up-to-date or how we are dealing with our authentication stack with Apollo Kotlin, or the issues we faced and much more.

Buckle up! Relax! The journey is just starting 🚜

Speaker Bio

Into the Android world for more than 10 years, I experienced California the startup way of life before coming back to France. I am currently Lead Android Engineer at Aircall where we are building the best phone system for modern businesses. Alongside Android, I have a great interest in backend development with Kotlin and AR/VR technology. In 2021, I became an Android GDE to continue my journey to always share and learn with the Android community.
In my spare time, I am a world traveler and a beer lover always looking for the best IPAs!
