Mark Brown

Solutions Architect Specialist

Talk Title

Sync Data with your Mobile Kotlin App The Easy Way!






11:25 > 40 min


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Part of building a great mobile app is syncing data between the app and your back end database. That used to mean creating and testing API calls, worrying about storing local data while offline, performing conflict resolution among multiple users, user authentication and authorization, network communications and error handling, and security. In this talk, I’ll show you how to address all of those issues effortlessly with MongoDB Atlas and Atlas for the Edge. Atlas is the Developer Data Platform from MongoDB – a multi-cloud database-as-a-service offering with state-of-the-art features to accelerate your development projects. Atlas for the Edge brings the power of MongoDB closer to your users at any location. Attendees will see how to build a mobile Kotlin app with the Atlas Edge SDK that easily connects with a MongoDB Atlas on the back end for fast bi-directional sync, out-of-the-box networking and conflict resolution, and built-in offline ACID-compliant data storage on the mobile device.

Speaker Bio

Mark Brown, a Solutions Architect Specialist for MongoDB, brings 30+ years of technical job experience to bear in meeting customer’s challenges. Before joining MongoDB, he was most recently a Software Development Team Lead building medical applications and analytics capabilities on a wide range of mobile and cloud platforms. A native of Central New York, he has happily called Raleigh, North Carolina home since 1999. He enjoys running, skiing, and solving the NYTimes crossword.
