Romain Rastel

Flutter Lead Developer at Dailyn

Talk Title

How Custom RenderObjects can make your life easier






11:25 > 40 min


on Twitter

In Flutter we say: "Everything is a Widget!" and behind every visual widget there is at least one RenderObject.

If you already know the theory about RenderObjects, but you want to get your hands dirty and you don't know how to start, this talk is for you!

During this session we will see in which use cases we want to create our own ones, which classes to use, how to understand how they work.

I'm pretty sure that when we are not afraid of RenderObjects, they become our BFFFL (Best Flutter Friend For Life).

Speaker Bio

Romain Rastel is Lead Developer at Dailyn. He started to learn Flutter in the end of 2017, since then he never stopped!

He created some open sources packages like flutter_staggered_grid_view, flutter_slidable, and a lot more.
He also wrote some articles available here:
